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Cincinnati Museum Center's Dinosaur Field School invites all those with a passion for paleontology to spend a week digging for real dinosaurs dig! Participants int eh weeklong sessions travel to the northwestern flank of the Bighorn Mountains in south-central Montana to learn to extract dinosaur fossils from rock using hand tools, how to gather and document field data and how to “field jacket” the fossils in burlap and plaster for shipment to the museum.
did those kids find a dinosaur? I found this page from a "like" on facebook. I shall tell all my friends to check it out.
Jim T
Jim, I don't know if they found any on their own, but they did assist and see how the found bones are prepared. Yes! Please spread the word of our blog to your facebook friends. Please consider subscribing to our blog through the Networked Blogs App. I have put a link at the end of this blog above the last image.
Dan- Thanks so much for the opportunity to spend the morning out on the site! We had a great time and my kids learned so much from you. It really opened a door to a new science to them. Thanks for the pictures too!!
Val, Donny and Dacey from Fromberg
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