Everyone hard at work in the quarry
Joey & Paul creating a trench around their fossils
Week 1 Participants with the Field Crew
Farewell Pig Races
Cincinnati Museum Center's Dinosaur Field School invites all those with a passion for paleontology to spend a week digging for real dinosaurs dig! Participants int eh weeklong sessions travel to the northwestern flank of the Bighorn Mountains in south-central Montana to learn to extract dinosaur fossils from rock using hand tools, how to gather and document field data and how to “field jacket” the fossils in burlap and plaster for shipment to the museum.
hey hey! lovin the photo's guys! i'm a friend of Matt's (the english 1!) hope you guys are having fun and if you could pass on a message to matt telling him i miss him and there's a nice Jac Daniels and Coke waiting for him when he gets back ;-)
Kerri - Will do. Thanks, Lauren
Hi to all from cold and wet England!
A big THANK YOU to Lauren for keeping us up-to-date with events on the dig.
I was wondering if anyone knows what was brave enough to bite Matt in his tent in the night and is it still alive?!!!
From his Mum!!!
(hi Kerri x)
I agree, i'm pretty sure the spider will have came off worse in this episode.
hope you guys are enjoying yourselves!!!
x Kez x
(Hi Mrs Cobley!)
Hi Ms. Cobley-
I try to take pictures of your son for the blog and he won't let me...
He is recovering from the bugs in his tent and last night he rediscovered the simple joys of Lucky Charms.
Thanks for following! Lauren
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